Wednesday, July 06, 2011

The Way To God

Started reading through the D.L. Moody Collection with a friend of mine today. Today we read and talked about Moody's message titled "The Way To God: The Gateway into the Kingdom".

Moody talked about "the new birth" and how he considers it to be the most important doctrine. Moody says, "My experience has been this-that if a man is unsound on this doctrine, he will be unsound on almost every other fundamental doctrine in the Bible".

Lots of great thoughts in this 24 page chapter.

Here are a few questions from the study.
1. Are you certain that you are born again of the Spirit of God, and can you give a scriptural reason why you are going to heaven?

2. Do you look to Jesus on a regular basis for forgiveness and righteousness in your life?

3. What evidence in the events and blessings of your own life prove Christ to be your Shepherd?

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