Monday, February 28, 2005

Growing Old

Getting older sucks. I am 30 years old, yet my body feels like I am 60. Let me explain.

This weekend the softball team that I will be playing with beginning in April had it's first practice. Now I am an athletic person that has been involved with sports my whole life, even though over the last year I have let myself go quite a bit. After 2 hours of fielding ground balls, chasing down drives cranked to the outfield, and about 50 or more swings at the plate, my body is in pain. My muscles ache so bad it is stupid. Why does growing old have to suck so bad?

I will say getting out on the old ball diamond did feel good. Is there a better place? I don't know how good our team will be, but you can bet on me having a great time. Looks as though I will be moving from Third Base this year, to Second. I am up for it.

Sunday, there was a birthday party that my wife and I attended. The party was at a bowling alley, so my already hurting body now aches a little more. How sad is it, when you get aches from bowling? I am pathetic. I bowled a 160, 110, and a 125. I was pissed. I usually average a 160. However, it was fun. I still am in awe of the majority of people you find in a bowling facility. The chicks there are HOT!

Well, now I am sitting in my chair at work, hurting, and smelling like ICY HOT. Getting old sucks.


Chris said...

What really sucks about getting old is beyond muscle soreness. I've found myself visitng the doctor for things that 18-25 year olds do not. I feel like my body is truly aging. Not cool.

Tim Bastron said...

I am guessing that since there is no NHL season this year, there are a million guys in Minnesota out trying to live their NHL dreams at the local parks. Be careful out there Jer. You are just a rookie. I am sure you have all the moves and deeks (sp?). Acutally I have no idea what I am saying. I know nothing about hockey. I don't care about hockey. However, I do love to go to an NHL game once in a blue moon to see some huge hits on the boards, and of course the fights.

Chris said...

Hockey is gay.

Chris said...

am not

Tim Bastron said...

You are correct. That is my bad. PPPPPPPPPPPJJJJJJJJJJJJJ. You rock.

Chris said...

I was hoping that the conversation would turn into a 7-year old "am not", "are too" debate, but alas, no.

Hockey players are kind of a hybrid between wrestlers and Nascar drivers. Wierd freaky guys with uncertain temperment and big mullets/afros.

I like the movie "Slap Shot" as much as the next guy, but I'm not sure I want to personally decend into that world.

Anonymous said...

I am old. Yes it does suck! Hurt becomes your middle name. I don't think any of you guys are gay. Sorry you have been a little off on your predictions Bastron.