Thursday, March 24, 2005

Love Is The Killer App

After reading "Love Is The Killer App" for the third time I thought that I would post something about it and encourage everyone to go out and buy this book. It is written by Tim Sanders who is the chief Solutions Officer at Yahoo!. Sanders also consults with Fortune 500 executives and world-class brands on marketing and Internet strategies. I saw him speak at a Leadership Conference and he blew my mind.

"Love Is The Killer App" is a great book, and a pretty easy read on how to win business, influence colleagues, and make friends. It has really made me look at how I treat others and relate to people within the business world. I have told my coworkers, friends, and family about this book as well. It is the real deal.

Listen to what others have said...

"Sander's joy is infectious...Love Is the Killer App-trendy and smart, full of bits of advice and analysis-rings fresh, digitized business changes on that old-fashioned love song."
-Boston Globe

"This clever, creative, yet immensely practical book beautifully illustrates Carl Rogers's profound insight, 'That which is most personal is most general.'"
-Dr. Stephen R. Covey, author of The 7 Habits of
Highly Effective People

"Tim Sander's message that compassion in leadership is the key to success couldn't have arrived at a better time in the history of American business. This is an invaluable book; every manager should read it, study it, and the pass it along to a colleague he cares about."
-Ken Blanchard, coauthor of The One Minute

Some of you be asking what a killer app is. Sander's describes it as this, "it's an excellent new idea that either supersedes an existing idea or establishes a new category in its field. It soon becomes so popular that it devastates the original business model." He then goes on to explain that "love" is that killer app. He challenges us to become a "lovecat". That means offering your wisdom freely, giving away your address book and contacts to everyone who wants it, and always being human. The three necessary steps to getting there are: sharing your knowledge, sharing your network, and sharing compassion.

In the course of the book he challenges us to read more. Read everything you can get your hands on that pertains to your field, and stuff outside your field as well. Sander's says we should, "become a walking encyclopedia of answers for anyone who has questions". So since I have read this book, I have been reading more, been trying to share my contacts more, and have become more compassionate around the workplace.

I can't do this book justice by just writing about it. Just trust me, and go buy the book today. It is worth the money, and will change your life.

Be a lovecat.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Excellent work, Tim. It's good to see your streching the limits of your blog.

I feel enlightened by reading your post. Maybe not as much as the Pierce College photo shoot posting, but still good stuff.